FAQ about NOMI

Must the password of a second life be entered into NOMI?

The serial box which you purchased tells you the password for which NOMI asks.
It is not a password of a second life.

I entered my name and password. But its still saying I'm not registered.

The user name and password are case sensitive. And first name and last name are separated by one space. Please check it. I recommend to use copy & paste of a keyboard shortcut for a registration of your name and password. If your avatar name is single word, your serial box says that your second name is "Resident". For example, if your user name is "Yuzuru", your serial box says your name is "Yuzuru Resident".

There seems to be a lack of place to get the serial box of NOMI in Second Life.

NOMI Serial Box is in http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Phasic%20Foo/45/28/24. I think that your having said will be that a picture is not displayed by SLURL. This is a problem of googleMap and SLURL shows the right position.

I bought NOMI serial box. But, I cannot see my serial number.

Please Rez and touch a serial box. Then, a serial box displays Password only on you.

Sculpts have hard edges on NOMI's Preview. But they are round in Second Life. Why?

A preview of NOMI is not NURBS. Therefore, it may not become the same display as a second life. Therefore, it may not become the same display as a second life. When you want to emphasize an edge, please bring a control point close to an angle.

I registered NOMI. But I cannot save the texture of a sculpted prim.

Level of detail is not Near. Please set View - Level of detail to Near and check the global image of a sculpted Prim saved.

I bought NOMI before November 12 '10. I cannot register with my name and the got password. Why?

NOMI was update to 4.0. If you want to use old version, please visit NOMI 3.0 web page

I bought NOMI before March 8, '10. I cannot register with my name and the got password. Why?

NOMI was update to 4.0. If you want to use old version, please visit NOMI 2.0 web page

I bought NOMI before May 29, '08. I cannot register with my name and the got password. Why?

NOMI was update to 4.0. If you want to use old version, please IM to Yuzuru Jewell from the registered avatar.

How to buy updated serial box of NOMI?

The upgrade service has ended due to changes in Second Life specifications.

I made a sculpted Prim. It looks fine in NOMI, but it looks terrible in inworld.

Did you uploaded it by Lossless? If you have not done so, I recommend to set TGA size as 64x64 in a setup dialog, and upload by Lossless.

Can I buy NOMI serial box as gift for another avatar?

Sorry, I can't sell a serial box as a gift.

How to make a sculpted prim from the OBJ file?

A sculpted prim is difficult to transform from an OBJ file automatically, because structure is limited.
There are the two methods of making a sculpted prim from the object edited with 3D software.

1) Read into 3D tool the OBJ file made for the sculpted prim. And edit it to change neither a vertex nor structure. And output it to a sculpted prim.
You can do it by TATARA. You can output an OBJ file by TATARA, can edit it with 3D tool, can read it into TATARA again, and can make it a sculpted prim. ROKURO Pro can do it only sphere of 32x32.

2) Make a sculpted prim fit the OBJ file edited with 3D tool. You can do it by SHIBORI. Please see the following tutorial. TUTORIAL B01 Make Shoes
You can also do it by the combination of UTSUSHI and NOMI. UTSUSHI can make an OBJ file the image which shows height with the brightness of a pixel. As NOMI makes relief using the image, it can make a sculpted prim. Please see the following tutorial. TUTORIAL N03 Make a Bust

When I save a Plane Type Project, it says there is a script included in the serial box. But I can't find a script.

Sorry, When I put the script into a serial box, the serial box will have changed. And because I made it the script which disappears automatically, the script has disappeared. Therefore, I wrote the following scripts to Readme.txt.
Please insert the following script in an object.

        list src = llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TYPE]);
        list dst = llListReplaceList(src, [PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_PLANE],2,2);
        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TYPE] + dst);
        llSay(0, "PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT is changed to PRIM_TYPE_PLANE");

This script is automatically deleted. Once it puts in, a form will change.
After you delete a script, a form doesn't change if it is copied.

Can I transfer Serial box to other avatar?

No, you can't.

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