- Sculpted Prim / Mesh Maker -
Latest Version is here.
This Program makes Sculpted Prim textures as .tga files and Collada files for the the Mesh of Second Life. The shapes are similar to lathe products, a carved solid around a central axis.
The Software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind.
In no case shall the author be liable for any damage or unwanted behavior of any computer hardware and/or software.
There is no installer.
You can uninstall only by deleting the file called ROKURO.exe.
--ROKURO DATA V3 //header
XX (tab) ZZ //coordinate data
XX (tab) ZZ
--END OF ROKURO DATA V3 //footer
You can adjust the contents of these data files by opening them like spreadsheets and changing the numbers.When you choose more than one control point, the following functions are available from the right-click pop-up menu. When you don't select any control points, the popup menu is not enabled.
Note: If you select 180 degrees, the extra face may not be entirely satisfactory. You may wish to hide it by using texture and/or other prims.
Stephen Zenith Says,"Rokuro(lathe) for win 1.0 works on Linux too, using wine." Thank you, Stephen Zenith!
You can download and modify them.
Here is a list of tutorial programs that I recommend as very good as a result of my checking the contents.
The Donate box at KANAE SHOP PhasicFoo/39/14/24.
ImageEn by HiComponents 1998-2010
Thanks to KJ Georgette for help with this Readme file.